Thursday, October 18, 2007

Case #1

NAME: Rodney "Big Black" Marshall
LAST SEEN: 2002 (picture from 2002)

Case Info:
I was 15 yrs old, he was 27 yrs old when we met. I was homeless and broke and he took advantage of my situation. Took me in, cared for me and I got pregnant.
I wasn't smart enough back then to get any information regarding him, his family or any of his friends. Yes, before you say it....I got pregnant by a man I don't know. My daughter is now 9 years old and has only seen her "father" 3 times. I made a mistake, but she should not have to pay the price for what I've done. I need my daughter to have the family/life I never had. I am DETERMINED TO BREAK THE CYCLE!

Can you help me find him?


af said...

who doesnt luv to bash us black men?? why not keep ur legs closed, and not fug w/ these dudes from the begining?

common sense people, and u all let these dudes rawdog u?? wtf!

Anonymous said...

Krystal Klear, why not start a blog telling both men and women to use better judgment before bringing a child into the world?

This is an(other) inherently anti-male site.

Also, sad as it is to say, if a man doesn't want to be involved in his child's life, embarrassing him on a website isn't going to persuade him to.

If you didn't want to continue the cycle you referred to, you had a choice.

Aly Cat 121 said...

Good luck in trying to find your child's father. It is sad that an adult took advantage of a young girl for his own sexual gain (that seems to be the norm in this country).

Hopefully you have a network of family and friends so that your child has positive male role models in his/her life.

Peace, Alyson

K. said...

Unfortunately, your child IS paying for your mistake. A man who is 27 and would knock up a 15 year old doesn't sound like someone who can offer your daughter anything even CLOSE to a family.

At this point it would be better to try and find positive male influences for her to look up to -- maybe unlces, cousins, and most importantly, make wise choices regarding any man you allow into your life going forward because children do as we DO, not as we SAY.

Tha BossMack TopSoil said...

Wow, I feel you babygurl.

Krystal Klear said...

To Jamie,

I'm not bashing any black men. This blog is not only for "black" single mothers. It's a blog for any single parent that maybe dealing with the same issue as myself. Yes, I know I didn't use common sense...but as I said I was in a very bad situation and wasn't thinking (at the time)

Krystal Klear said...

lord hannibal,

Again, this blog IS NOT only for women!!! I guess no one believes that mothers disappear too! Me telling my story is a way of telling men and women to use better judgment.

Who would read my story and then go and repeat the same stupid mistake I made?

Krystal Klear said...

aly cat 121,

Thanks for the support!!! My family is great.

My daughter is at the age now that she is asking about her father. I'm not trying to embarrass him as some think. I just want my daughter to know her dad.

Krystal Klear said...


Thanks for the support. You're right, being a (single) mom has taught me to think twice before making a stupid choice.

I still hope to find him though. No matter how bad a man is, I believe every child should know their father.

It is What It Is... said...

I'm with you...and as a single mother who is struggling to give my little one the best life possible...I totally feel you.

We are always so quick to tell black women to close their legs, etc. but fail to tell the black men to put their "things" away aswell.

PARENTING is a 2 way street. It takes 2 people (mother and father) to raise a child.

My daughter's father lives 10 minutes away from us and will go 6 months without seeing his daughter.

And dare I ask for him to do anything such as:

-stay home with her when she is sick
-pick her up when I have to work late
-volunteer at the school
-attend a soccer game or piano recital
-take her to a piano lesson

And he will look at me like I'm crazy and deranged.

Hell, I can't even get dude to call and ask her how her day at school was. He doesn't know anything about her...and doesn't care to know. He does the basics. And looks to me to keep him in the know, etc.

I know I don't have it as bad as this young lady - but my situation is still dishearnting. I shouldn't have to raise her alone.

People don't want to admit it, but its an epidimic that's taking place specifically within the black community. PERIOD.

I've done all I can baby girl is turning 8 in three months and she knows that her father doesn't do right by her. I never had to say a word. As she got older...she knew.

Keep doing what you do.

Krystal Klear said...

J Croft,

I'm so glad someone understands where I'm coming from! I'm encouraged by other single parents. Our little girls know they are loved...we're doing a great job :)

Thanks for having another single moms back and tell you're daughter....HAPPY 8th BIRTHDAY!

Anonymous said...

I added you to my blogroll.

I think what you are doing is a positive thing. It's alerting other women of the situation. In the real world, some men try to deny the fact that they have children and that in itself is f*^ked up. I have come across one or two in my time. It's time their asses are put on blast... and maybe that will help to make them realize that they need to stand up and be a man.

Anti-man site?!? GTFOH! If your such a positive influence and want people to start a positive site about men then write about it on your own page. Krystal klear is writing about what she feels and that's her business. If you don't like it, then kick rocks.

The breakdown of the black family unit is at the highest ever and it needs to be discussed. Krystal Klears blogs may help another young woman see reality.

I tend to shit on men on my blog, also. And, best believe, I don't descriminate. If your a penis carrying individual and act trifflin I will talk about your ass... no if, ands, or buts. I'm a woman and like to share my experiences with other women.

Krystal Klear,
Good luck in your search!

Prophetess said...

Miss Krystal, I got you, girl.

Although I don't believe in hunting down (so to speak) an "absent" person who obviously doesn't want to be found, I believe in your blog. I hope you eventually find a positive and peaceful resolution to your plight, and trust, he knows you're out here looking for him.

But a word of caution; Black men who will happen upon your blog won't be coming over to sympathize with you and what you're doing; they'll be coming over to see how big your a** might be or if you're somebody they can hit on sexually. Trust; that's all they're good for; that's why they can't keep their minds on higher things like taking care of their offspring.

Good luck to you, Miss Krystal. I'll drop by from time to time.

Krystal Klear said...

Jerzygyrl & Hoodoo'ed,

I thank u! I thank u! I thank u! I need as many encouraging words as possible.

I'm ready 4 the haters, the naysayers and whoever else may come my way with negative words.

People think I'm doing this 4 me...I'm not! I'm doing this 4 my daughter. I didn't have my dad in my life and I'll be damned if I let the same thing happen to her without even putting up a fight!

Again, ladies I thank you for the words of advice and encouragement. Tell someone about this blog, ask them to add me to their blog roll. I'll continue to read your blogs daily and comment! :)

Anonymous said...

jerzeygirl, just as you're coming on here trying to redirect traffic (on someone else's blog no less), you can push on if you don't like the comments that some people have made.

The breakdown of the family unit is a pressing issue, definitely, but neither gender is solely or even primarily responsible for that.

You said you shit on men on your blog. That's an interesting statement, as one could infer that you believe that's what Krystal Klear is doing. Is that so?

Either way, the only person you're shitting on is yourself. The men you're trying to clown probably don't even read your blog.

Krystal Klear, if you're aim is to encourage men AND women to use better judgment, I applaud you wholeheartedly and will gladly pub your site. But can't you see how your site appears to be anti-male? It's your site so if that's what it is, that's what it is. But if it's not, that's not clear.

Anonymous said...

A word of caution: All black women who come to this site are bitter baby mamas or baby mama sympathisers who hate men.

If a man made those comments, sisters would jump all over him. But hooded'ed throws black men under the bus and no sisters speak up?

What are her statements based upon? No one has asked about KK's body or tried to get at her. Sounds like bitterness to me.

It's bitter women like her who contribute to the enmity between black men and black women.

I think it's foul that men leave their children to be raised by mothers, but let's be honest, here: All of the women who end up as single mothers weren't caught off guard. A man doesn't go from being a shiftless, na'er do well negro to man/husband/father of the year.

Women like to talk about their temple being sacred, but it sounds like rhetoric to me. Having unprotected sex with a loser is how you treat a temple?

Krystal Klear said...

Lord Hannibal,

My blog probably seems anti-male because I am a WOMAN!If a male friend or reader came to me and wanted me to put the mother of his child on this blog...I would, without question.

I'm not going to continue to debate if this is an anti-male blog or not. the end all that matters to me is the children I want to help. My daughter is not the only one going through something like this. Right now, my story is the only one on this blog, but I encourage any father or mother that may be dealing with this issue to email me.

Prophetess said...

Miss Krystal, how are you doing today? I hope you're doing well. If I may respond to Lord Hannibal...

Mr. Hannibal, number one, you didn't even have to respond to my comment. You should've just gone on about your business and left me alone. Number two, when I said what I said, I spake from blog experience because it has been my experience in the blog world that once male commentors see that a female blog writer isn't interested in them hitting on her or asking about her body parts, they move on. Other female bloggers that I know have had this problem as well and have even said as much on their own blogs. But we all know that men are "visual" creatures; no matter how serious a subject woman is talking about, if there are no pictures of a** or tits showing, they're not interested. That includes you because I'm sure you got the same initial comment/invite from Miss Krystal on your blog that she gave to us all; that's why you came over because you can't make me believe that you came over because are interested in a blog that you say seems anti-male, or is dedicated to helping children locate their absent fathers/parents. Tell the truth, Hannibal; you came over because you thought Miss Krystal would have a picture of herself on her blog so you can check her out... and now that you see there is none, you figured you go ahead and get your pot-shots in on me and the other female commentors.

I am the last person to be anti-male or bitter because I love men no matter what way, shape, form, or fashion they come in. As a matter of fact, I work with a good friend of mine who has made it his mission to encourage "absent" fathers (AND MOTHERS!) (especially the young ones) to become involved in their childrens lives. Encouragement is our mission. But the problem seems to be men thinking that people are male-bashing when they speak the truth about certain social issues.

I'm not the least bit interested in other women speaking up for me or with me because I don't require their validation for anything I say. I'm certainly not a bitter Baby Mama because my child's father provides very well for her and we maintain an excellent relationship with one another for her sake. And I'm free to date and cavort with whomever I choose. I'm currently dating a federal marshal and he is just absolutely the bomb and we are having a good time! I don't plan to let him go, either!

Bitter women do not contribute to the enmity between men and women; it's the degradation, dehumanization, and physical and verbal abuse of women that contributes to the enmity between men and women. If you're so concerned about women man-bashing, then why don't you take your argument to the rappers and hip hop artists who color their rhymes with "bitch" and "hoe" expletives and make their dimes off the backs of the poor Black women in the rap videos who don't know any better, and be the first common man to begin a campaign against other men speaking so disparagingly against women in their raps and rhymes and whatnots...

Before I leave, Mr. Hannibal, if you have any offspring yourself, please make sure you're being all the daddy you can be to them - physically, spiritually, mentally, financially, emotionally, etc.

Have a nice day, Miss Krystal and good luck and God bless you in your search and endeavors.

Anonymous said...

Hoodoo'ed, I responded to you because you made sweeping negative generalisations about black men. I realise that's en vogue now, throwing us under the bus, but here is a brother who doesn't let that go.

You didn't make the statements you made because you wanted to be ignored, so let's dispense with the, 'You didn't have to comment,' foolishness.

I came to this blog because I was curious, not because I wanted to see what KK looked like. Apart from the fact that I can walk out of my front door and see any number of women whenever I wish, there are tonnes of Internet sites that feature pictures of women.

You threw a bunch of rhetoric against the wall and none of it stuck. Now you're trying to get to me to admit to something YOU concocted out of thin air? Negative. I don't much care about what you say you've witnessed on other blogs. If, however, your statement was based on that, it would have helped if you'd said as much. You didn't, and the fact remains that no one here tried to get at KK.

If you really believe that bitter women don't contribute to the emnity between black men and black women, you need to get out more. What's progressive about being bitter? Seriously.

And your statements about rap music are so four years ago. I'm not concerned in the least bit about rappers using "bitch" and "ho" in their lyrics. It's not what someone calls you. It's what you answer to. Aside from that, rappers didn't create those terms. They pre-date rap music, as you well know. Here's something else you should know: a misogynist is a man who hates women as much as women hate one another.

I'm not a parent because I'm not married. When I do marry and become a parent, God willing, I will be a good father until one of us dies.

In the meantime and at my leisure, when a woman summarily throws black men under the bus, I'm going to get at her. If you (and anyone else) don't like it, too bad.

Prophetess said...

Miss Krystal, heartfelt love greetings to you, sis. I hope you are well today. If I may, this will be my last word to Lord Hannibal on your blog because I respect you, sis and the purpose of your blog, and this titter tatter is really uncalled for...

Awww, the "bitter" word. The Black man's favorite word (aside from bitch and ho)to describe a Black woman who has valid opinions and points. Apparently my first comment struck a painful and truthful chord with you Mr. Hannibal because you lashed out and called me bitter, and you equated it to throwing Black men under the bus, and that may or may not be true, but know this: don't ever liken me to being bitter over men because trust, Mr. Hannibal, Hoodoo'ed is not bitter. I have the best life I can possibly have with family and friends who love and adore me and my daughter; a longtime career that brings me indescribable reward, and at nearly 40, I think I'm doing pretty damn good dating a gorgeous federal marshal. So called "bitter women" absolutely do not allow men to come near them, and if I were a bitter one, I wouldn't have ever allowed a man to co-create a child with me.

You said you visited Miss Krystal's blog because you were curious; but I'm asking "What were you curious about?" Her initial invite told us what her blog was about, and yes, out of curiosity you came over, but as soon as you saw what Miss Krystal's blog is about, you (and a few other men, too) instantly and immediately and wrongly broke her blog down as being "inherently anti-male" (your words, not ours) when nowhere in Miss Krystal's postings did she ever say or even imply that she hated men and wanted her blog to be dedicated to hating, judging, and villafying {Black} men. What she said was that someone much older than she took advantage of her and her naivete and desperation and how sad. I don't recall or read her saying that this person is a dirty dog and needs to be thrown under a bus... I study human behavior, Mr. Hannibal, and you cannot convince me that you care one way or another about the purpose of Miss Krystal's blog, or getting other men/women to take care of their family obligations and be in their childrens lives.

You may be the one who needs to 'get out more' if you think woman-hating lyrics in rap music was 'so four years ago'. And it may be so four years ago, but you have no idea (because you are of the male species and men cannot possibly understand the magnitude of this)how damaging even ONE bad word from a man to a woman can be. And of course, you did exactly what I figured you'd do; you flipped off my "rap music" comment with your own "I don't care about curse words in rap music" comment, and of course you don't care. The rappers are expressing out loud what men truly feel in their hearts about women because if men cared about such, they would stand up and say one brother to another "Look, you can't be using words like that to describe the sistas. I can't get with that..."

And you're right,rappers didn't invent the bitch and ho words but that does not mean that they have the RIGHT to make nickels and dimes off it. Here's a suggestion: visit other male-written blogs and you'll see the woman-hatred out there. And then ask yourself 'Is it really the women who are bitter or is it the men?'

Miss Krystal, God bless you, dear. I've passed your blog information on to my good friend and he has put you on his website for future reference. I hope when I visit Mr. Hannibal's blog again, I will see your blog listed in his blog roll, too... if not, then we'll know that the real truth prevailed. Take care, dear, and God bless you mightily.

Prophetess said...

Oh, yeah, Miss Krystal: will you please post a picture of your beautiful self? I want to see the beautiful woman behind this wonderful blog.

Anonymous said...

Oh! I'm glad I came back!

In response to: [((You said you shit on men on your blog. That's an interesting statement, as one could infer that you believe that's what Krystal Klear is doing. Is that so?

Either way, the only person you're shitting on is yourself. The men you're trying to clown probably don't even read your blog.))]

I could care less if the men I write about is read by who it is directly about. It's theraputic for me and helps other women realizing that they are not the only one's going through these issues. You seem to be to engulfed in b.s. and really don't know people to try to judge their points or what they are trying to convey.

Krystal Klear is doing her and I am doing me. I'm not you... I actually take what people say for what it's worth and don't try to look at it in 10 different ways ordisect every little line. Kick rocks, boo.

Since you want to be the speaker for all black men, why don't you actually go out into the communiity and do something useful? Because being a fake Jesse Jackson and preaching to the choir really isn't doing anything. We all have black fathers, brothers, and uncles that are, probably, great black men. That doesn't mean that some of them are full of crap or don't do right by us sometimes.

We all have the right of Freedom of Speech. And as women we tend to stick together and support each other. (note: Kinda how you got shut down by iother readers.)

I support Krystal Klear because I know several people, men and women, that are on both sides of the parental spectrum. So, instead of thinking selfishly about you and your blackman struggle... how about you think about the children who don't have fathers because of little boys who are to scared to grow up and be men. Krystal Klear didn't start this blog to debate men and women, but to bring up a bigger issue that you can't seem to grasp.

Go put that in your pipe and smoke it. Have a nice day.
