Thursday, October 25, 2007


Hello blogland,

I have yet to receive any information regarding the location of my daughters father. I would really love word to get out about my blog. And though some have doubts...this blog is not for women only. At the end of the day, my focus is on the children (including my own) that my blog may help. Again I ask, if you have any information or know of someone that can help me with location assistance, please let me know.

Shout out to Hoodoo'ed!!!! YOU ARE THE TRUTH SIS!!!

-K. Klear


Anonymous said...

LOL1 I'm glad I came back. Apparently, I missed a lot! But things will happen for you, in due time. I have a homrgyrl going through the same issue. We have tried everything from Private Detectives to Googling his ass and- nothing. Children, and people in general, need their fathers as well as their mothers. Otherwise, there are always questions that go unanswered.

Good luck on your search and thatnks for the update.


Anonymous said...

Working on helping you spread the word right now! Good luck!!